Purelyagro Bitter Kola Nuts - Garcinia Kola Orogbo Nut (Fresh & Handpicked)

Purelyagro Bitter Kola Nuts - Garcinia Kola Orogbo Nut (Fresh & Handpicked) Product reviews


Bitter kola nuts Purelyagro Bitter Kola nuts are a very good source of nutrients for your body with over 100 vitamins inside! Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. Bitter Kola also contains other antioxidants and the usage is not limited to traditional activities alone. It is about the s...

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Purelyagro Bitter Kola Nuts - Garcinia Kola Orogbo Nut (Fresh & Handpicked)


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